Listening and speaking


TASK 1: Listen carefully to Rebecca, who talks about the best of Australia and her city, Sydney. After listening, do the quiz activities. You can do this activity in Australia. Submit your paper and share the results in your blog. 

1) What does she like about Sydney?

 a) People's backgrounds

 b) The languages

 c) The food

 d) The nightlife

2) What does she like about Australia?

 a) Its wilderness.

 b) Its weather.

 c) Its beauty.

 d) It's not crowded.

3) Where did her parents take her?

 a) To a nature school

 b) To the mountains

 c) To the desert

 d) To the forests

4) What does she say about the beach?

 a) They are everywhere.

 b) Sydnes had the best ones.

 c) She likes water sports.

 d) She'd like to live near one.

TASK 2: Watch this video about Australia 2 and answer the questions below, submit them, and later upload them to your blog

  1. Australia is most known for its

    1. desert landscapes and weird animals. 

    2. desert landscapes and unique animals. 

  1. Australia is the ………………… of the continents. 

    1. smallest

    2. biggest

    3. shortest

  1. What is Australia’s nickname?

    1. The land down under.

    2. The land down on.

    3. The land down off.

  1. Stars and constellations appear ………….

    1. upside down.

    2. reverse.

    3. clear. 

    4. brilliant.

  1. Which information is incorrect?

    1. More than 33% of Australia is desert. 

    2. The Great Victoria Desert is the largest desert. 

    3. Australia's climate is warm and rainy.

  1. You can almost see ………… stars.

    1. 300

    2. 3,000

    3. 3,000,000

  1. The Uluru is ………………..

    1. 1,100 feet tall. 

    2. 1,200 feet tall. 

    3. 1,000 feet tall. 

  1. How long ago did the aborigines arrive?

    1. 50,000 years ago. 

    2. 500,000 years ago. 

    3. 15,000 years ago. 

TASK 3: After the listening activities, you have to answer these questions orally and record them in order to upload the result to your learning blog. 

  • Would you like to travel to Australia? Why? Why not? Who with?

  • I would like to visit Australia because I have never been there before. Also, I enjoy doing water activities, and in Australia, you can practice surfing or windsurfing as there are incredible spots to try them. 

  •  I would like to travel with my friends, since I have never tried it before. 

  • Which places would you like to visit? How long would you like to stay there?

  •   I would like to visit the most touristy beaches in Australia, as well as Sydney's Bondi Beach.

      I would stay there for a week, as staying there for more time would be a very expensive trip. On the other hand, I think a week would be enough to visit most part of the country

  • Would you like to visit any other country in that part of the world? Where would you go? Apart from Australia, which country would you like to visit in Oceania?I would like to travel to Indonesia, as there are amazing landscapes and luxurious beaches. Also, another place I would like to visit is  Fiyi as it has amazing islands.

In order to record the answer to these questions, use the web WeVideo. Your teacher can help you in all this process and with the pronunciation. After having recorded them, you have to project them in the classroom and your classmates have to assess it using the “Rubric to assess a video assignment in the classroom”.


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