Hyde Park

 Hyde Park Sydney Thinking Routine

To start with, let’s begin with a thinking routine, about Hyde Park in Sydney. Look at the picture of this park above. Afterwards, answer these questions in your blog. The title of the post must be “Hyde Park Sydney Thinking Routine”.  

  • What can you see? We can see some people in the park enjoying a sunny day.

  • What are these people doing? These people are doing different activities, some are

  • taking a walk in the park with their family, but the image focuses especially on

  • two people playing chess.

  • How often do you think these people play at the park? I think they play very often, as the

  • look very concentrated and it seems that they have played more than once. On the other hand,

  • they seem to be old people and mayble they don't have to work.

  • What kind of different activities can you do at the park? I think that in a park you can do many activities,

  • such as: go jogging with friends or family, disconnect from obligations and many more activities, although

  • in my experience I think that the best thing about the park is to enjoy nature.

  • Do you have something similar where you live? Yes, there are several parks in the city where I live (Bilbao)

  • but the one I like most is the Parque de los patos, it doesn't have a chess like the one in the picture, but the

  • place is incredible, it has a very nice duck pond.

  • Where do you usually go for a walk with your friends? Sometimes, I go with my friends for a walk to the mountain,

  • only when the day is sunny.

  • Do you like going out to a park? I don't go to the park very often, I used to go more when I was a kid with my friends

  • to play football.

  • Do you usually play any sport in a park? I don't usually go to a park to do sport I prefere to go a sport centre and practise

  • a sport there.

You can obtain more information about what you can do in this district by visiting its official website

Remember that Hyde Park must be part of the route at your Google Sites map, so continue organizing it well

TASK: Include at your Google Site 1 video about tourism in Sydney. If you find more than one representative video or any other audiovisual information, you can also include them in your Google Site. 


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